Class IdUCommandContext

public final class IdUCommandContext extends IdCommandContext<IdUResponseType,IdSessionUser>
The command context for user API commands.
  • Constructor Details

    • IdUCommandContext

      public IdUCommandContext(com.io7m.repetoir.core.RPServiceDirectoryType inServices, UUID inRequestId, IdDatabaseTransactionType inTransaction, IdSessionUser inSession, IdUser inUser, String inRemoteHost, String inRemoteUserAgent)
      The context for execution of a command (or set of commands in a transaction).
      inServices - The service directory
      inRequestId - The request ID
      inTransaction - The transaction
      inSession - The user session
      inUser - The user
      inRemoteHost - The remote remoteHost
      inRemoteUserAgent - The remote user agent
  • Method Details

    • user

      public IdUser user()
      The user executing the command.