Interface VulkanSurfaceCapabilitiesKHRType

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface VulkanSurfaceCapabilitiesKHRType
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • minImageCount

        int minImageCount()
        the minimum number of images the specified device supports for a swapchain created for the surface.
      • maxImageCount

        int maxImageCount()
        the maximum number of images the specified device supports for a swapchain created for the surface. A value of 0 means that there is no limit on the number of images, though there may be limits related to the total amount of memory used by swapchain images.
      • currentExtent

        VulkanExtent2D currentExtent()
        the current width and height of the surface, or the special value $(0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF)$ indicating that the surface size will be determined by the extent of a swapchain targeting the surface.
      • minImageExtent

        VulkanExtent2D minImageExtent()
        the smallest valid swapchain extent for the surface on the specified device.
      • maxImageExtent

        VulkanExtent2D maxImageExtent()
        the largest valid swapchain extent for the surface on the specified device.
      • maxImageArrayLayers

        int maxImageArrayLayers()
        the maximum number of layers swapchain images can have for a swapchain created for this device and surface.
      • supportedTransforms

        java.util.Set<VulkanSurfaceTransformFlagKHR> supportedTransforms()
        the presentation transforms supported for the surface on the specified device.
      • currentTransform

        java.util.Set<VulkanSurfaceTransformFlagKHR> currentTransform()
        the surface’s current transform relative to the presentation engine’s natural orientation.
      • supportedCompositeAlpha

        java.util.Set<VulkanCompositeAlphaFlagKHR> supportedCompositeAlpha()
        the alpha compositing modes supported by the presentation engine for the surface on the specified device. Opaque composition can be achieved in any alpha compositing mode by either using a swapchain image format that has no alpha component, or by ensuring that all pixels in the swapchain images have an alpha value of 1.0.
      • supportedUsageFlags

        java.util.Set<VulkanImageUsageFlag> supportedUsageFlags()
        the ways the application can use the presentable images of a swapchain created for the surface on the specified device. VK_IMAGE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT must be included in the set but implementations may support additional usages.