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addAllErrors(Iterable<? extends JPropertyError>) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure.Builder
Adds elements to errors list.
addAllErrors(Iterable<? extends JPropertyError>) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess.Builder
Adds elements to errors list.
addAllWarnings(Iterable<? extends JPropertyWarning>) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure.Builder
Adds elements to warnings list.
addAllWarnings(Iterable<? extends JPropertyWarning>) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess.Builder
Adds elements to warnings list.
addErrors(JPropertyError) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure.Builder
Adds one element to errors list.
addErrors(JPropertyError) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess.Builder
Adds one element to errors list.
addErrors(JPropertyError...) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure.Builder
Adds elements to errors list.
addErrors(JPropertyError...) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess.Builder
Adds elements to errors list.
addWarnings(JPropertyWarning) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure.Builder
Adds one element to warnings list.
addWarnings(JPropertyWarning) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess.Builder
Adds one element to warnings list.
addWarnings(JPropertyWarning...) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure.Builder
Adds elements to warnings list.
addWarnings(JPropertyWarning...) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess.Builder
Adds elements to warnings list.
allOf(JPropertyParseMonadType<? extends T>...) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Evaluate all of the given operations and return a list of the results (including the union of all of the warnings) if all of them succeeded.
allOf(List<JPropertyParseMonadType<? extends T>>) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Evaluate all of the given operations and return a list of the results (including the union of all of the warnings) if all of them succeeded.
andThen(Supplier<JPropertyParseMonadType<B>>) - Method in interface com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType
Monadic bind for parse values.


build() - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyError.Builder
Builds a new JPropertyError.
build() - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure.Builder
Builds a new JPropertyFailure.
build() - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess.Builder
Builds a new JPropertySuccess.
build() - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyWarning.Builder
Builds a new JPropertyWarning.
builder() - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyError
Creates a builder for JPropertyError.
builder() - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure
Creates a builder for JPropertyFailure.
builder() - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess
Creates a builder for JPropertySuccess.
builder() - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyWarning
Creates a builder for JPropertyWarning.


com.io7m.jproperties - package com.io7m.jproperties
Core functions and types.
com.io7m.jproperties.monad - package com.io7m.jproperties.monad
Property parsing monad.
copyOf(JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertyErrorType) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyError
Creates an immutable copy of a JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertyErrorType value.
copyOf(JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertyFailureType<A>) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure
Creates an immutable copy of a JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertyFailureType value.
copyOf(JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertySuccessType<A>) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess
Creates an immutable copy of a JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertySuccessType value.
copyOf(JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertyWarningType) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyWarning
Creates an immutable copy of a JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertyWarningType value.


equals(Object) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyError
This instance is equal to all instances of JPropertyError that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure
This instance is equal to all instances of JPropertyFailure that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess
This instance is equal to all instances of JPropertySuccess that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyWarning
This instance is equal to all instances of JPropertyWarning that have equal attribute values.
errors() - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure
errors() - Method in interface com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType
errors() - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess
exception() - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure
exception() - Method in interface com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertyFailureType


fail(Exception) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Publish an error.
FAILURE - Enum constant in enum class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType.Kind
A failure result.
flatMap(Function<A, JPropertyParseMonadType<B>>) - Method in interface com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType
Monadic bind for parse values.
flatMap(Function<A, JPropertyParseMonadType<B>>) - Method in interface com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertyFailureType
flatMap(Function<A, JPropertyParseMonadType<B>>) - Method in interface com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertySuccessType
from(JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertyErrorType) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyError.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided JPropertyErrorType instance.
from(JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertyFailureType<A>) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided JPropertyFailureType instance.
from(JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertySuccessType<A>) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided JPropertySuccessType instance.
from(JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertyWarningType) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyWarning.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided JPropertyWarningType instance.
fromFile(File) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Load properties from the given file.


getBigDecimal(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the real value associated with key in the properties referenced by properties.
getBigDecimalWithDefault(Properties, String, BigDecimal) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the real value associated with key in the properties referenced by properties if it exists, otherwise returns the given default value.
getBigInteger(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the integer value associated with key in the properties referenced by properties.
getBigIntegerWithDefault(Properties, String, BigInteger) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the integer value associated with key in the properties referenced by properties if it exists, otherwise returns other.
getBoolean(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the boolean value associated with key in the properties referenced by properties.
getBooleanWithDefault(Properties, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the boolean value associated with key in the properties referenced by properties if it exists, otherwise returns other.
getDouble(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the double value associated with key in the properties referenced by properties.
getDoubleWithDefault(Properties, String, double) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the double value associated with key in the properties referenced by properties if it exists, otherwise returns other.
getDuration(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the Duration value associated with key in the properties referenced by properties.
getDurationWithDefault(Properties, String, Duration) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the Duration value associated with key in the properties referenced by properties if it exists, otherwise returns other.
getInetAddress(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the InetAddress value associated with key in the properties referenced by properties.
getInetAddressWithDefault(Properties, String, InetAddress) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the InetAddress value associated with key in the properties referenced by properties if it exists, otherwise returns other.
getInteger(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the integer value associated with key in the properties referenced by properties.
getIntegerWithDefault(Properties, String, int) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the integer value associated with key in the properties referenced by properties if it exists, otherwise returns other.
getLong(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the integer value associated with key in the properties referenced by properties.
getLongWithDefault(Properties, String, long) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the integer value associated with key in the properties referenced by properties if it exists, otherwise returns other.
getString(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the string value associated with key in the properties referenced by props
getStringOptional(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the string value associated with key in the properties referenced by props
getStringWithDefault(Properties, String, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the string value associated with key in the properties referenced by props if it exists, otherwise returns other.
getURI(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the URI value associated with key in the properties referenced by properties.
getURIWithDefault(Properties, String, URI) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the URI value associated with key in the properties referenced by properties if it exists, otherwise returns other.
getUUID(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the UUID value associated with key in the properties referenced by properties.
getUUIDWithDefault(Properties, String, UUID) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.JProperties
Returns the UUID value associated with key in the properties referenced by properties if it exists, otherwise returns other.


hashCode() - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyError
Computes a hash code from attributes: message.
hashCode() - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure
Computes a hash code from attributes: exception, warnings, errors.
hashCode() - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess
Computes a hash code from attributes: result, warnings, errors.
hashCode() - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyWarning
Computes a hash code from attributes: message.


JProperties - Class in com.io7m.jproperties
Type-safe interface to Properties.
JPropertyError - Class in com.io7m.jproperties.monad
The type of parse errors.
JPropertyError.Builder - Class in com.io7m.jproperties.monad
Builds instances of type JPropertyError.
JPropertyException - Exception in com.io7m.jproperties
The type of exceptions raised upon property access errors.
JPropertyException(String) - Constructor for exception com.io7m.jproperties.JPropertyException
Construct an exception with the given message.
JPropertyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.io7m.jproperties.JPropertyException
Construct an exception with the given message and cause.
JPropertyFailure<A> - Class in com.io7m.jproperties.monad
A result indicating failure.
JPropertyFailure.Builder<A> - Class in com.io7m.jproperties.monad
Builds instances of type JPropertyFailure.
JPropertyIncorrectType - Exception in com.io7m.jproperties
The type of exceptions raised upon accessing a property that is not of the expected type.
JPropertyIncorrectType(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.io7m.jproperties.JPropertyIncorrectType
Construct an exception with the given message and cause.
JPropertyNonexistent - Exception in com.io7m.jproperties
The type of exceptions raised upon accessing a property that does not exist.
JPropertyNonexistent(String) - Constructor for exception com.io7m.jproperties.JPropertyNonexistent
Construct an exception with the given message.
JPropertyParseMonadType<A> - Interface in com.io7m.jproperties.monad
A parser monad.
JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertyErrorType - Interface in com.io7m.jproperties.monad
The type of parse errors.
JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertyFailureType<A> - Interface in com.io7m.jproperties.monad
A result indicating failure.
JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertySuccessType<A> - Interface in com.io7m.jproperties.monad
A result indicating success.
JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertyWarningType - Interface in com.io7m.jproperties.monad
The type of parse warnings.
JPropertyParseMonadType.Kind - Enum Class in com.io7m.jproperties.monad
The kind of result.
JPropertyParseMonadType.Unit - Enum Class in com.io7m.jproperties.monad
Single-valued unit type.
JPropertyParsing - Class in com.io7m.jproperties.monad
Parser monad functions.
JPropertyParsing.ParseFunctionType<T> - Interface in com.io7m.jproperties.monad
A parse function.
JPropertySuccess<A> - Class in com.io7m.jproperties.monad
A result indicating success.
JPropertySuccess.Builder<A> - Class in com.io7m.jproperties.monad
Builds instances of type JPropertySuccess.
JPropertyWarning - Class in com.io7m.jproperties.monad
The type of parse warnings.
JPropertyWarning.Builder - Class in com.io7m.jproperties.monad
Builds instances of type JPropertyWarning.


kind() - Method in interface com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertyFailureType
kind() - Method in interface com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertySuccessType
kind() - Method in interface com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType


map(Function<A, B>) - Method in interface com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertyFailureType
map(Function<A, B>) - Method in interface com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertySuccessType
map(Function<A, B>) - Method in interface com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType
Functor map for parse values.
message() - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyError
message() - Method in interface com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertyErrorType
message() - Method in interface com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertyWarningType
message() - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyWarning


of(String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyError
Construct a new immutable JPropertyError instance.
of(String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyWarning
Construct a new immutable JPropertyWarning instance.


parse(String, String) - Method in interface com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing.ParseFunctionType
Parse value associated with key, raising an exception if this cannot occur for any reason.
parseAny(Properties, String, String, JPropertyParsing.ParseFunctionType<T>) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Parse anything.
parseAnyOptional(Properties, String, String, JPropertyParsing.ParseFunctionType<T>) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Parse anything.
parseAnyWithDefault(Properties, String, String, T, JPropertyParsing.ParseFunctionType<T>) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Parse anything.
parseBigDecimal(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Parse a BigDecimal.
parseBigDecimalWithDefault(Properties, String, BigDecimal) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Parse a BigDecimal returning the default value if the key does not exist.
parseBigInteger(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Parse a BigInteger.
parseBigIntegerWithDefault(Properties, String, BigInteger) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Parse a BigInteger returning the default value if the key does not exist.
parseBoolean(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Parse a Boolean.
parseBooleanWithDefault(Properties, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Parse a Boolean returning the default value if the key does not exist.
parseDuration(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Parse a Duration.
parseDurationWithDefault(Properties, String, Duration) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Parse a Duration returning the default value if the key does not exist.
parseOffsetDateTime(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Parse a OffsetDateTime.
parseOffsetDateTimeWithDefault(Properties, String, OffsetDateTime) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Parse a OffsetDateTime returning the default value if the key does not exist.
parseString(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Parse a String.
parseStringOptional(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Parse a String.
parseStringWithDefault(Properties, String, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Parse a String returning the default value if the key does not exist.
parseURI(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Parse a URI.
parseURIWithDefault(Properties, String, URI) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Parse a URI returning the default value if the key does not exist.
parseUUID(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Parse a UUID.
parseUUIDWithDefault(Properties, String, UUID) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Parse a UUID returning the default value if the key does not exist.


result() - Method in interface com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType.JPropertySuccessType
result() - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess


setErrors(Iterable<? extends JPropertyError>) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for errors list.
setErrors(Iterable<? extends JPropertyError>) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for errors list.
setException(Exception) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure.Builder
Initializes the value for the exception attribute.
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyError.Builder
Initializes the value for the message attribute.
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyWarning.Builder
Initializes the value for the message attribute.
setResult(A) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess.Builder
Initializes the value for the result attribute.
setWarnings(Iterable<? extends JPropertyWarning>) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for warnings list.
setWarnings(Iterable<? extends JPropertyWarning>) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for warnings list.
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType.Kind
A success result.
successOf(T) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Trivially succeed.


toString() - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyError
Prints the immutable value JPropertyError with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure
Prints the immutable value JPropertyFailure with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess
Prints the immutable value JPropertySuccess with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyWarning
Prints the immutable value JPropertyWarning with attribute values.


UNIT - Enum constant in enum class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType.Unit
The unit value.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType.Kind
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType.Unit
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType.Kind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType.Unit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


warn(String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Publish a warning.
warn(String, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParsing
Publish a warning.
warnings() - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure
warnings() - Method in interface com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyParseMonadType
warnings() - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess
withErrors(JPropertyError...) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of errors.
withErrors(JPropertyError...) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of errors.
withErrors(Iterable<? extends JPropertyError>) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of errors.
withErrors(Iterable<? extends JPropertyError>) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of errors.
withException(Exception) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the exception attribute.
withMessage(String) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyError
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the message attribute.
withMessage(String) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyWarning
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the message attribute.
withResult(A) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the result attribute.
withWarnings(JPropertyWarning...) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of warnings.
withWarnings(JPropertyWarning...) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of warnings.
withWarnings(Iterable<? extends JPropertyWarning>) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertyFailure
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of warnings.
withWarnings(Iterable<? extends JPropertyWarning>) - Method in class com.io7m.jproperties.monad.JPropertySuccess
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of warnings.
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