Class PMatrices2x2D


public final class PMatrices2x2D
extends java.lang.Object

Functions over PMatrix2x2D values.

See "Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics" 2nd Ed for the derivations of most of the code in this class (ISBN: 1-58450-277-0).

  • Method Details

    • add

      public static <A,​ B,​ C,​ D,​ E,​ F> PMatrix2x2D<E,​F> add​(PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> m0, PMatrix2x2D<C,​D> m1)
      Add the matrices m0 and m1.
      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      C - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      D - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      E - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      F - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      m0 - The left matrix
      m1 - The right matrix
      m0 + m1
    • determinant

      public static <A,​ B> double determinant​(PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> m)
      Calculate the determinant of the matrix m.
      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      m - The matrix
      The determinant of m
    • invert

      public static <A,​ B> java.util.Optional<PMatrix2x2D<B,​A>> invert​(PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> m)
      Calculate the inverse of the matrix m.
      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      m - The matrix
      The inverse of m, or nothing if no inverse exists
    • multiply

      public static <A,​ B,​ C> PMatrix2x2D<A,​C> multiply​(PMatrix2x2D<B,​C> m0, PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> m1)
      Multiply the matrices m0 and m1.
      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      C - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      m0 - The left matrix
      m1 - The right matrix
      m0 * m1
    • multiplyVectorPost

      public static <A,​ B> PVector2D<B> multiplyVectorPost​(PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> m, PVector2D<A> v)

      Multiply the vector v by the matrix m.

      This is post multiplication.

      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      m - The matrix
      v - The vector
      m * v
    • multiplyVectorPost

      public static Vector2D multiplyVectorPost​(PMatrix2x2D m, Vector2D v)

      Multiply the vector v by the matrix m.

      This is post multiplication.

      m - The matrix
      v - The vector
      m * v
    • ofColumns

      public static <A,​ B> PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> ofColumns​(Vector2D c0, Vector2D c1)
      Construct a matrix from the column vectors (c0, c1).
      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      c0 - The column 0
      c1 - The column 1
      A constructed matrix
    • ofRows

      public static <A,​ B> PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> ofRows​(Vector2D r0, Vector2D r1)
      Construct a matrix from the row vectors (r0, r1).
      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      r0 - The row 0
      r1 - The row 1
      A constructed matrix
    • ofScale

      public static <A,​ B> PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> ofScale​(double x, double y)
      Construct a matrix that will scale by (x, y).
      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      x - The X scaling value
      y - The Y scaling value
      A constructed matrix
    • row0

      public static <A,​ B> Vector2D row0​(PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> m)
      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      m - The matrix
      Row 0 of the matrix
    • row1

      public static <A,​ B> Vector2D row1​(PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> m)
      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      m - The matrix
      Row 1 of the matrix
    • column0

      public static <A,​ B> Vector2D column0​(PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> m)
      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      m - The matrix
      Column 0 of the matrix
    • column1

      public static <A,​ B> Vector2D column1​(PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> m)
      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      m - The matrix
      Column 1 of the matrix
    • scale

      public static <A,​ B,​ C,​ D> PMatrix2x2D<C,​D> scale​(PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> m, double r)
      Scale the matrix m by r.
      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      C - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      D - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      m - The matrix
      r - The scale factor
      m * r
    • subtract

      public static <A,​ B,​ C,​ D,​ E,​ F> PMatrix2x2D<E,​F> subtract​(PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> m0, PMatrix2x2D<C,​D> m1)
      Subtract the matrices m0 and m1.
      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      C - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      D - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      E - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      F - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      m0 - The left matrix
      m1 - The right matrix
      m0 - m1
    • trace

      public static <A,​ B> double trace​(PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> m)
      Return the trace of the matrix m. The trace is defined as the sum of the diagonal elements of the matrix.
      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      m - The matrix
      The trace of the matrix
    • transpose

      public static <A,​ B> PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> transpose​(PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> m)
      Calculate the transpose of the matrix m.
      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      m - The matrix
      The transpose of m
    • withColumn

      public static <A,​ B> PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> withColumn​(PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> m, int column, double r0, double r1)
      Set the column column of m to (r0, r1).
      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system) * @param r0 The value of row 0 in the column
      m - The matrix
      column - The column index in the range [0, 1]
      r1 - The value of row 1 in the column
      A matrix with the given row
    • withRow

      public static <A,​ B> PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> withRow​(PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> m, int row, double c0, double c1)
      Set the row row of m to (c0, c1).
      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      m - The matrix
      row - The row index in the range [0, 1]
      c0 - The value of column 0 in the row
      c1 - The value of column 1 in the row
      A matrix with the given row
    • zero

      public static <A,​ B> PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> zero()
      The zero matrix.
      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      A matrix with all zero components
    • identity

      public static <A,​ B> PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> identity()
      The identity matrix.
      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      A matrix with all diagonal components set to 1 and all other components set to 0.
    • toUnparameterized

      public static <A,​ B> Matrix2x2D toUnparameterized​(PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> m)
      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      m - The input matrix
      A matrix equal to m but without type parameters
    • toParameterized

      public static <A,​ B> PMatrix2x2D<A,​B> toParameterized​(Matrix2x2D m)
      Type Parameters:
      A - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a source coordinate system)
      B - A phantom type parameter (possibly representing a target coordinate system)
      m - The input matrix
      A matrix equal to m with type parameters