Interface VectorStorageFloating4Type

All Superinterfaces:
VectorReadable2DType, VectorReadable3DType, VectorReadable4DType, VectorStorageFloating2Type, VectorStorageFloating3Type, VectorStorageType
All Known Subinterfaces:
PVectorByteBufferedFloating4Type<T>, PVectorStorageFloating4Type<T>, VectorByteBufferedFloating4Type
All Known Implementing Classes:
PVectorByteBufferedFloating4s16, PVectorByteBufferedFloating4s32, PVectorByteBufferedFloating4s64, PVectorMutable4D, VectorByteBufferedFloating4s16, VectorByteBufferedFloating4s32, VectorByteBufferedFloating4s64, VectorMutable4D

public interface VectorStorageFloating4Type
extends VectorReadable4DType, VectorStorageFloating3Type
The type of mutable 4D floating point number vectors.
  • Method Details

    • setVector4D

      default void setVector4D​(Vector4D v)
      Set the components from the given vector.
      v - The source vector
    • setVector4F

      default void setVector4F​(Vector4F v)
      Set the components from the given vector.
      v - The source vector
    • setW

      void setW​(double w)
      Set the w component.
      w - The W component
    • setXYZW

      default void setXYZW​(double x, double y, double z, double w)
      Set the x, y, z, and w components.
      x - The X component
      y - The Y component
      z - The Z component
      w - The W component