Class SMFB2ParsingSectionHeader

    • Constructor Detail

      • SMFB2ParsingSectionHeader

        public SMFB2ParsingSectionHeader()
        Construct a parser.
    • Method Detail

      • checkHeader

        public static boolean checkHeader​(SMFB2ParsingContextType context,
                                          com.io7m.jbssio.api.BSSReaderType reader,
                                          SMFB2Section header,
                                          long expectedMagic,
                                          java.lang.String name)
        Check that header has the expected ID. Publish an error to context if it does not.
        context - The parsing context
        reader - The current reader
        header - The header
        expectedMagic - The expected magic number
        name - The name of the header section
        true if the header has the expected value