Class SMFTriangleTracker

  • public final class SMFTriangleTracker
    extends java.lang.Object
    A tracker of triangle counts and indices.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addTriangle​(com.io7m.jlexing.core.LexicalPosition<> lexical, long v0, long v1, long v2)
      Add a triangle.
      boolean check​(com.io7m.jlexing.core.LexicalPosition<> lexical)
      Check that all invariants hold.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • SMFTriangleTracker

        public SMFTriangleTracker​(SMFTriangleTracker.ErrorReceiverType inErrors,
                                  long inVertexCount,
                                  long inTriangleCount)
        Construct a tracker.
        inErrors - A receiver of errors
        inVertexCount - The expected number of vertices
        inTriangleCount - The expected number of triangles
    • Method Detail

      • addTriangle

        public void addTriangle​(com.io7m.jlexing.core.LexicalPosition<> lexical,
                                long v0,
                                long v1,
                                long v2)
        Add a triangle.
        lexical - The triangle declaration position
        v0 - The index of vertex 0
        v1 - The index of vertex 1
        v2 - The index of vertex 2
      • check

        public boolean check​(com.io7m.jlexing.core.LexicalPosition<> lexical)
        Check that all invariants hold. If they do not, errors will be published to the error receiver and false returned.
        lexical - The lexical position
        true if all invariants hold