All Classes and Interfaces

This class is generated by jOOQ.
A subtype implementing Path for simplified path-based joins.
This class is generated by jOOQ.
This class is generated by jOOQ.
A subtype implementing Path for simplified path-based joins.
This class is generated by jOOQ.
This class is generated by jOOQ.
A subtype implementing Path for simplified path-based joins.
This class is generated by jOOQ.
This class is generated by jOOQ.
This class is generated by jOOQ.
This class is generated by jOOQ.
A subtype implementing Path for simplified path-based joins.
This class is generated by jOOQ.
This class is generated by jOOQ.
A subtype implementing Path for simplified path-based joins.
This class is generated by jOOQ.
An administrator.
A column to use for sorting admins.
Order by admin ID.
Order by admin id name.
Order by admin realname.
Order by admin creation time.
Order by admin update time.
A column ordering spec.
An admin permission.
A permission that allows for banning admins.
A permission that allows for creating admins.
A permission that allows for deleting admins.
A permission that allows reading admins.
A permission that allows updating admin credentials.
A permission that allows an admin to update its own credentials.
A permission that allows updating admin emails.
A permission that allows an admin to update its own emails.
A permission that allows updating admin permissions.
A permission that allows an admin to update its own permissions.
A permission that allows reading the audit log.
A permission that allows for sending test mail.
A permission that allows for changing the server's maintenance mode.
A permission that allows for banning users.
A permission that allows creating users.
A permission that allows deleting users.
A permission that allows reading users.
A permission that allows updating user credentials.
A permission that allows updating user emails.
Search parameters for admins (by email).
Search parameters for admins.
An admin summary.
An audit event.
Search parameters for audit records.
An account ban.
Ban an admin.
Remove a ban on an admin.
Get a ban on an admin.
Create an admin.
Delete an admin.
Add an email address to the given admin.
Remove an email address from the given admin.
Get the given admin.
Get the admin with the given email address.
Grant a permission to the given admin.
Revoke a permission from the given admin.
Start searching for admins.
Start searching for admins (by email).
Get the next page of admin search results.
Get the previous page of admin search results.
Get the next page of admin search results.
Get the previous page of admin search results.
A request to fetch the admin's own profile.
A request to edit an admin's credentials.
A request to update the admin's password expiration.
Start searching/listing audit records.
Get the next page of audit search results.
Get the previous page of audit search results.
A request to log in.
Send a test email to a given address.
Move the server to/from maintenance mode.
Ban a user.
Remove a ban on a user.
Get a ban on a user.
Create a user.
Delete a user.
Add an email address to the given user.
Remove an email address from the given user.
Get the given user.
Get the user with the given email address.
Get the given user's login history.
Start searching for users.
Start searching for users (by email).
Get the next page of user search results.
Get the previous page of user search results.
Get the next page of user search results.
Get the previous page of user search results.
A request to fetch the user's own profile.
A request to update the user's password expiration.
Functions to transform exceptions.
The v1 command handler.
A core that executes the given core under authentication.
A servlet core that executes the given core with a database transaction.
The v1 health servlet.
The v1 login servlet.
The v1 version servlet.
A login record.
A page of results.
Information for a hashed password.
The possible behaviours for setting password expirations.
Never expire, regardless of the server setting.
Refresh the password to the server setting.
Expire at the given time, regardless of the server setting.
A response to IdA1CommandAdminBanCreate.
A response to IdA1CommandAdminBanDelete.
A response to IdA1CommandAdminBanGet.
A response to IdA1CommandAdminCreate.
A response to IdA1CommandAdminDelete.
A response to IdA1CommandAdminGet.
A response to IdA1CommandAdminSearchBegin.
A response to IdA1CommandAdminSearchByEmailBegin.
A response to IdA1CommandAdminSearchByEmailNext.
A response to IdA1CommandAdminSearchByEmailPrevious.
A response to IdA1CommandAdminSearchNext.
A response to IdA1CommandAdminSearchPrevious.
A response to IdA1CommandAdminSelf.
A response to IdA1CommandAdminUpdateCredentials.
A response to IdA1CommandAuditSearchBegin.
A response to IdA1CommandAuditSearchNext.
A response to IdA1CommandAuditSearchPrevious.
A blame assignment.
The client sent a bad response.
Something went wrong on the server.
An error response.
A response to IdA1CommandLogin.
A response to IdA1CommandMailTest.
A response to IdA1CommandMaintenanceModeSet.
A response to IdA1CommandUserBanCreate.
A response to IdA1CommandUserBanDelete.
A response to IdA1CommandUserBanGet.
A response to IdA1CommandUserCreate.
A response to IdA1CommandUserDelete.
A response to IdA1CommandUserGet.
A response to IdA1CommandUserLoginHistory.
A response to IdA1CommandUserSearchBegin.
A response to IdA1CommandUserSearchByEmailBegin.
A response to IdA1CommandUserSearchByEmailNext.
A response to IdA1CommandUserSearchByEmailPrevious.
A response to IdA1CommandUserSearchNext.
A response to IdA1CommandUserSearchPrevious.
A response to IdA1CommandUserUpdateCredentials.
The Admin API v1 server.
A UTC time range.
A UTC timestamp value.
A user.
A column to use for sorting users.
Order by user ID.
Order by user id name.
Order by user realname.
Order by user creation time.
Order by user update time.
A column ordering spec.
Search parameters for users (by email).
Search parameters for users.
A user summary.
A convenient abstract class for performing paginated searches.
The protocol messages for Admin v1 Cedarbridge.
Functions to translate between the core command set and the Admin v1 Cedarbridge encoding command set.
Functions to translate between the core command set and the Admin v1 Cedarbridge encoding command set.
Functions to translate between the core command set and the Admin v1 Cedarbridge encoding command set.
Functions to translate between the core command set and the Admin v1 Cedarbridge encoding command set.
The client.
The admin client configuration.
The client credentials.
The type of client exceptions.
A factory of clients.
The default client factory.
The type of synchronous clients.
The abstract base command class.
Ban an admin.
Remove a ban on an admin.
Get a ban on an admin.
Create an admin.
Delete an admin.
Add an email address to the given admin.
Remove an email address from the given admin.
Get the given admin.
Get the given admin by email address.
Grant a permission to the given admin.
Revoke a permission from the given admin.
Start searching/listing admins.
Start searching/listing admins.
Get the next page of the admin listing.
Get the previous page of the admin listing.
Get the next page of the admin listing.
Get the previous page of the admin listing.
A request to fetch the admin's own profile.
Update the given admin.
Update the given admin's password expiration.
Start searching/listing audit records.
Get the next page of audit records.
Get the previous page of audit records.
The command context for admin API commands.
A command executor for public commands.
A request to log in.
A request to send a test email to an address.
Move the server to/from maintenance mode.
The type of commands in the Admin protocol.
Ban a user.
Remove a ban on a user.
Get a ban on a user.
Create a user.
Delete a user.
Add an email address to the given user.
Remove an email address from the given user.
Get the given user.
Get the given user by email address.
Get the given user's login history.
Start searching/listing users.
Start searching/listing users.
Get the next page of the user listing.
Get the previous page of the user listing.
Get the next page of the user listing.
Get the previous page of the user listing.
Update the given user.
Update the given user's password expiration.
Functions to decompress responses.
Information for a single administrator.
The admin columns that can be used for ordering.
The ordering of a particular admin column.
Information required to create a admin.
A record of an admin logging in.
A service that handles the logic for admin logins.
The type of admin permissions.
A set of permissions.
The immutable parameters required to search admins.
The immutable parameters required to search admins.
A summary of the "identifier" parts of an admin.
A value converter for emails.
A pretty formatter.
A raw formatter.
A shell formatter for data.
The client handler type.
The type of messages in the Admin protocol.
A value converter for password expiration sets.
Specify that the password in question should not expire, regardless of what the server's expiration setting is.
Specify that the password in question should expire according to the server's expiration setting.
Specify that the password in question should expire at the given date/time, regardless of what the server's expiration setting is.
The possible behaviours for setting password expirations.
Functions to negotiate protocols.
The abstract base class of idstore providers.
A provider of IdAdminColumnOrdering values.
A provider of IdAdminPermissionSet values.
A provider of IdAdmin values.
A provider of IdAdminSearchByEmailParameters values.
A provider of IdAdminSearchParameters values.
A provider of IdAdminSummary values.
A provider of IdAMessageType values.
A provider of IdAuditEvent values.
A provider of IdAuditSearchParameters values.
A provider of IdBan values.
A provider of IdEmail values.
A provider of IdHash values.
A provider of IdErrorCode values.
A provider of IdName values.
A provider of InetAddress values.
A provider of IdLogin values.
A provider of OffsetDateTime values.
A provider of IdPassword values.
A provider of IdRealName values.
A provider of IdShortHumanToken values.
A provider of IdTimeRange values.
A provider of IdToken values.
A provider of IdUMessageType values.
A provider of URI values.
A provider of IdUserCreate values.
A provider of IdUserColumnOrdering values.
A provider of IdUser values.
A provider of IdUserSearchByEmailParameters values.
A provider of IdUserSearchParameters values.
A provider of IdUserSummary values.
A provider of UUID values.
A response to IdACommandAdminBanGet.
A response to IdACommandAdminCreate.
A response to IdACommandAdminDelete.
A response to IdACommandAdminGet.
A response to IdACommandAdminSelf.
A notion of whether the client is to blame for an error response, or the server.
An error response.
A response to IdACommandLogin.
A response to IdACommandMailTest.
The type of responses in the Admin protocol.
A response to IdACommandUserBanGet.
A response to IdACommandUserCreate.
A response to IdACommandUserDelete.
A response to IdACommandUserGet.
The basic shell.
The abstract base class for shell commands.
The abstract command implementation.
The type of shell commands.
The shell configuration.
A shell factory.
Shell options.
The basic shell.
A terminal holder.
The interface to shells.
Value converters for the shell commands.
A value converter for short human tokens.
The version 1 transport.
The type of protocol transport factories.
The factory of version 1 protocol transports.
The type of message transports.
An audit event.
The immutable parameters required to list audit events.
An account ban.
The root configuration parser.
Qualified names.
A service that allows toggling the server into maintenance mode.
A color.
The context for execution of a command (or set of commands in a transaction).
A failure to execute a command.
The type of command executors.
The default postgres server database implementation.
The type of admin searches.
The type of admin searches.
The database queries involving admins.
The type of audit event searches.
The database queries involving the audit log.
The server database configuration.
The type of database connections.
Create or do not create a database.
The database queries involving emails.
The type of exceptions raised by the server database.
Functions to handle database exceptions.
The type of server database factories.
The maintenance queries.
The database queries involving maintenance.
The type of paged queries.
The base type of query interfaces.
An annotation indicating that a method requires an admin ID to be set.
An annotation indicating that a method requires a user ID to be set.
The roles used by the server database.
The default postgres server database implementation.
Interfaces used for database telemetry.
A database transaction.
An open database.
Upgrade or do not upgrade a database.
The type of user searches.
The type of user searches.
The database queries involving users.
A user email.
The owner of an email.
An email verification operation.
An operation that should occur after an email address is verified.
The reason an email verification was deleted.
The type of error codes.
An administrator logged in.
An admin provided incorrect credentials when trying to log in.
A login rate limit was exceeded for an admin.
Events involving authenticated administrators.
Mail failed to send.
Mail was sent successfully.
The event service.
The event service.
The severity of an error.
The base type of events.
A user exceeded the rate limit for email verifications.
A user logged in.
A user provided incorrect credentials when trying to log in.
A login rate limit was exceeded for a user.
A password reset rate limit was exceeded.
Events involving users.
The base type of exceptions.
Data for the main admin screen template.
Data for the "user" admin screen template.
Data for the "users" admin screen template.
A color scheme.
The base type of data models for templates.
Data for the email addition screen template.
Data for email password reset templates.
Data for test email templates.
Data for email verification templates.
Data for the login screen template.
Data for the generic message screen template.
Data for the password reset confirm screen template.
Data for the password reset screen template.
Data for the password update screen template.
Data for the realname update screen template.
A freemarker template loader.
A service supplying freemarker templates.
A service supplying freemarker templates.
The type of freemarker templates.
Data for the "self" user profile screen template.
The hash of an object.
A cookie declaration.
An exception with an associated error code and HTTP status code.
A handler core that executes with a fixed delay.
A servlet core that executes the given core with instrumentation.
A functional servlet.
An authenticated functional handler core.
A transactional functional handler core.
A functional handler core.
Information about a request.
A filter that tracks request times.
A fixed size servlet response.
A redirect response.
The type of functional servlet responses.
A propagator that can extract fields from a servlet request.
Functions over server requests.
A record of a login.
Standard login metadata values.
Main command line entry point.
A service that performs nightly database maintenance.
The "initial-admin" command.
The "server" command.
The "shell" command.
The metrics service.
The interface exposed by the metrics service.
A user ID name.
A non-empty list.
Extra functions for Optional.
The type of partial functions.
A page of items.
A hashed password for a user.
The PBKDF2 hashing algorithm using a SHA-256 HMAC.
A "redacted" hashing algorithm used to represent passwords that should not be returned to users/admins.
Functions over password algorithms.
The type of password hashing algorithms.
An exception raised by a password hashing algorithm.
An exception encountered whilst handling a protocol.
The interface exposed by protocol message handlers.
The base type of protocol messages.
The type of validators that convert between core messages and "wire" (versioned) messages.
A rate limiting service for logins.
A rate limiting service for admin logins.
A rate limiting service for email verifications.
A rate limiting service for email verifications.
A trivial rate limiter.
A rate limiting service.
A rate limiting service for password resets.
A rate limiting service for password resets.
A rate limiting service for logins.
A rate limiting service for user logins.
A user "real" name.
An exception indicating that a request size limit was exceeded.
Methods to handle request size limits.
A view of an action within the security policy.
An admin wants to ban an admin.
An admin wants to unban an admin.
An admin wants to examine the ban of an admin.
An admin wants to create an admin.
An admin wants to delete one or more admins.
An admin wants to add an email address to an admin.
An admin wants to remove an email address from an admin.
An admin wants to grant a permission to an admin.
An admin wants to revoke a permission from an admin.
An admin wants to read one or more admins.
An admin wants to update an admin.
An admin wants to read the audit log.
An admin wants to send a test email.
An admin wants to set or unset maintenance mode.
A view of an action within the security policy.
An admin wants to ban a user.
An admin wants to unban a user.
An admin wants to examine the ban of a user.
An admin wants to create a user.
An admin wants to delete one or more users.
An admin wants to read one or more users.
An admin wants to update a user's credentials.
An admin wants to update a user's emails.
The default security policy.
A security policy that denies all actions.
A security policy that permits all actions.
An action is denied.
An action is permitted.
The result of evaluating a security policy.
A security policy.
The main API for performing security policy checks.
The type of exceptions raised during security policy evaluations.
A request to add an email address to a user.
A request to deny the addition of an email address to a user.
A request to permit the addition of an email address to a user.
A request to remove an email address from a user.
A request to deny the removal of an email address from a user.
A request to permit the removal of an email address from a user.
A request to update a user's password.
A request to update a user's realname.
A view of an action within the security policy.
A view of a user within the security policy.
The internal server frontend.
Branding information for the server.
The service that supplies branding information.
The service that supplies branding information.
A service that exposes a clock.
A server color scheme.
The configuration for a server.
The server configuration file.
A factory of configuration file parsers.
A factory of configuration file parsers.
A configuration file parser.
Functions to produce server configurations.
Configuration XML schemas.
A factory of configuration file serializers.
A factory of configuration file serializers.
A configuration file serializer.
A service that exposes configuration information.
Configuration for the database.
The kind of underlying database.
The type of exceptions raised by the server.
A factory for servers.
The server health service.
Configuration information related to keeping history.
Configuration for the parts of the server that serve over HTTP.
Configuration for individual HTTP services.
The type of JSON configuration elements.
The mail server authentication information.
Configuration for the part of the server that sends mail.
A mail service.
A mail service.
The type of mail transport configurations.
Vanilla SMTP with an insecure STARTTLS upgrade (if supported).
Plaintext SMTP with a mandatory, authenticated STARTTLS upgrade.
SMTP entirely encapsulated by TLS.
Configuration information for the server's maintenance service.
Configuration information for OpenTelemetry.
Log configuration.
Metrics configuration.
The protocol used to deliver OpenTelemetry data.
Trace configuration.
Configuration options relating to password expiration.
Configuration for rate limiting.
The default server factory.
Configuration for user and admin login sessions.
A no-op telemetry service.
An OpenTelemetry service.
A factory of telemetry services.
An OpenTelemetry service factory.
The type of server telemetry services.
A server instance.
A session for an admin.
A service to create and manage admin sessions.
A message that will be displayed on the message screen.
A session identifier.
A service to create and manage sessions.
A session.
A controller for a single user session.
A service to create and manage user sessions.
A short human-readable token.
Standard error codes.
Automatically generated - DO NOT EDIT.
The type of string constants used in this project.
The string resources.
An inclusive range of time.
The type of TLS configuration settings.
Functions to create custom SSL contexts.
The TLS context service.
A service that provides preconfigured TLS contexts.
TLS is disabled.
TLS is enabled.
Configuration information for a key/trust store.
A generic token.
A request to add an email address.
A request to complete an email address challenge.
A request to complete an email address challenge.
A request to remove an email address.
A request to complete an email address challenge.
A request to complete an email address challenge.
A request to log in.
A request to update the user's password.
A request to update the user's real name.
A request to fetch the user's own profile.
Functions to transform exceptions.
The v1 command servlet.
A core that executes the given core under authentication.
A core that executes the given core if the server is not closed for maintenance.
A servlet core that executes the given core with a database transaction.
The v1 health servlet.
The v1 login servlet.
A servlet for showing the server version.
The v1 version servlet.
Information for a hashed password.
A blame assignment.
The client sent a bad response.
Something went wrong on the server.
A response to IdU1CommandEmailAddBegin.
A response to IdU1CommandEmailAddDeny.
A response to IdU1CommandEmailAddPermit.
A response to IdU1CommandEmailRemoveBegin.
A response to IdU1CommandEmailRemoveDeny.
A response to IdU1CommandEmailRemovePermit.
An error response.
A response to IdU1CommandLogin.
A response to IdU1CommandUserSelf.
A response to various update commands.
A user API v1 server.
A UTC timestamp value.
A user.
The protocol messages for User v1 Cedarbridge.
Functions to translate between the core command set and the User v1 Cedarbridge encoding command set.
Functions to translate between the core command set and the User v1 Cedarbridge encoding command set.
The client.
The user client configuration.
The client credentials.
The type of client exceptions.
A factory of clients.
The default client factory.
The type of clients.
The abstract base command class.
The command context for user API commands.
A request to add an email address.
A request to deny the addition of an email address.
A request to complete an email address challenge.
A request to remove an email address.
A request to deny the removal of an email address.
A request to complete an email address challenge.
A command executor for public commands.
A request to log in.
A request to change the user's password.
A request to change the user's realname.
The type of commands in the User protocol.
A request to fetch the user's own profile.
Functions to decompress responses.
The client handler type.
The type of messages in the User protocol.
Functions to negotiate protocols.
A notion of whether the client is to blame for an error response, or the server.
A response to IdUCommandEmailAddDeny.
An error response.
A response to IdUCommandLogin.
The type of responses in the User protocol.
A response to IdUCommandUserSelf.
A response to various update commands.
Information for a single user.
The user columns that can be used for ordering.
The ordering of a particular user column.
Information required to create a user.
The domain of a user (users are either users, or admins).
A record of a user logging in.
A service that handles the logic for user logins.
A password reset operation.
The user password reset service.
The user password reset service.
The immutable parameters required to search users.
The immutable parameters required to search users.
A summary of a user.
The version 1 transport.
The type of protocol transport factories.
The factory of version 1 protocol transports.
The type of message transports.
Content types.
A CSS servlet.
The page that displays the email addition form.
The page that executes the email addition.
The page that executes the email removal.
Common email verification functions.
The endpoint that allows for completing email verification challenges.
The endpoint that allows for completing email verification challenges.
Functions to display error pages.
A core that executes the given core under authentication.
A core that executes the given core if the server is not closed for maintenance.
The page that displays the login form, or executes the login if a username and password is provided.
A logo servlet.
The page that logs out.
The main user profile page.
Display a message logged to the user's (authenticated) session.
The page that displays a password reset form.
The page that checks a password reset token and prompts a user to enter a new password.
The page that completes a password reset.
The page that triggers sending a reset link.
The page that displays a password update form.
The page that executes a password update.
The page that displays a real name update form.
The page that executes a real name update.
A user view server.
An exception indicating that parameters given to a model type are invalid.
Service wrapper for Verdant messages.
A class modelling foreign key relationships and constraints of tables in the default schema.
This class is generated by jOOQ.
A subtype implementing Path for simplified path-based joins.
This class is generated by jOOQ.
Protocol com.io7m.idstore.protocol.admin.cb.IdA.
Protocol com.io7m.idstore.protocol.admin.cb.IdA
Protocol com.io7m.idstore.protocol.admin.cb.IdA, version 1.
Protocol com.io7m.idstore.protocol.admin.cb.IdA, version 1.
Protocol com.io7m.idstore.protocol.user.cb.IdU.
Protocol com.io7m.idstore.protocol.user.cb.IdU
Protocol com.io7m.idstore.protocol.user.cb.IdU, version 1.
Protocol com.io7m.idstore.protocol.user.cb.IdU, version 1.
This class is generated by jOOQ.
This class is generated by jOOQ.
Convenience access to all tables in the default schema.
This class is generated by jOOQ.
A subtype implementing Path for simplified path-based joins.
This class is generated by jOOQ.
This class is generated by jOOQ.
A subtype implementing Path for simplified path-based joins.
This class is generated by jOOQ.
This class is generated by jOOQ.
A subtype implementing Path for simplified path-based joins.
This class is generated by jOOQ.