Class VulkanSamplerCreateInfo

    • Method Detail

      • mipLodBias

        public float mipLodBias()
        Specified by:
        mipLodBias in interface VulkanSamplerCreateInfoType
        The bias to be added to mipmap LOD (level-of-detail) calculation and bias provided by the image sampling functions in SPIR-V.
      • maxAnisotropy

        public java.util.OptionalDouble maxAnisotropy()
        If this value is non-empty, enable anisotropic filtering using the given amount of anisotropy.
        Specified by:
        maxAnisotropy in interface VulkanSamplerCreateInfoType
        The anisotropy value clamp used by the sampler
      • withFlags

        public final VulkanSamplerCreateInfo withFlags​(VulkanSamplerCreateFlag... elements)
        Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of flags.
        elements - The elements to set
        A modified copy of this object
      • withFlags

        public final VulkanSamplerCreateInfo withFlags​(java.lang.Iterable<VulkanSamplerCreateFlag> elements)
        Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of flags. A shallow reference equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
        elements - An iterable of flags elements to set
        A modified copy of this object
      • withMagFilter

        public final VulkanSamplerCreateInfo withMagFilter​(VulkanFilter value)
        Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the magFilter attribute. A value equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
        value - A new value for magFilter
        A modified copy of the this object
      • withMinFilter

        public final VulkanSamplerCreateInfo withMinFilter​(VulkanFilter value)
        Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the minFilter attribute. A value equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
        value - A new value for minFilter
        A modified copy of the this object
      • withMipmapMode

        public final VulkanSamplerCreateInfo withMipmapMode​(VulkanSamplerMipmapMode value)
        Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the mipmapMode attribute. A value equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
        value - A new value for mipmapMode
        A modified copy of the this object
      • withAddressModeU

        public final VulkanSamplerCreateInfo withAddressModeU​(VulkanSamplerAddressMode value)
        Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the addressModeU attribute. A value equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
        value - A new value for addressModeU
        A modified copy of the this object
      • withAddressModeV

        public final VulkanSamplerCreateInfo withAddressModeV​(VulkanSamplerAddressMode value)
        Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the addressModeV attribute. A value equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
        value - A new value for addressModeV
        A modified copy of the this object
      • withAddressModeW

        public final VulkanSamplerCreateInfo withAddressModeW​(VulkanSamplerAddressMode value)
        Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the addressModeW attribute. A value equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
        value - A new value for addressModeW
        A modified copy of the this object
      • withMipLodBias

        public final VulkanSamplerCreateInfo withMipLodBias​(float value)
        Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the mipLodBias attribute. A value strict bits equality used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
        value - A new value for mipLodBias
        A modified copy of the this object
      • withMaxAnisotropy

        public final VulkanSamplerCreateInfo withMaxAnisotropy​(double value)
        Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional maxAnisotropy attribute.
        value - The value for maxAnisotropy
        A modified copy of this object
      • withMaxAnisotropy

        public final VulkanSamplerCreateInfo withMaxAnisotropy​(java.util.OptionalDouble optional)
        Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the maxAnisotropy attribute. An equality check is used on inner nullable value to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
        optional - A value for maxAnisotropy
        A modified copy of this object
      • withCompareOp

        public final VulkanSamplerCreateInfo withCompareOp​(VulkanCompareOp value)
        Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional compareOp attribute.
        value - The value for compareOp
        A modified copy of this object
      • withCompareOp

        public final VulkanSamplerCreateInfo withCompareOp​(java.util.Optional<? extends VulkanCompareOp> optional)
        Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the compareOp attribute. An equality check is used on inner nullable value to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
        optional - A value for compareOp
        A modified copy of this object
      • withMinLod

        public final VulkanSamplerCreateInfo withMinLod​(float value)
        Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the minLod attribute. A value strict bits equality used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
        value - A new value for minLod
        A modified copy of the this object
      • withMaxLod

        public final VulkanSamplerCreateInfo withMaxLod​(float value)
        Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the maxLod attribute. A value strict bits equality used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
        value - A new value for maxLod
        A modified copy of the this object
      • withBorderColor

        public final VulkanSamplerCreateInfo withBorderColor​(VulkanBorderColor value)
        Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the borderColor attribute. A value equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
        value - A new value for borderColor
        A modified copy of the this object
      • withUnnormalizedCoordinates

        public final VulkanSamplerCreateInfo withUnnormalizedCoordinates​(boolean value)
        Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the unnormalizedCoordinates attribute. A value equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
        value - A new value for unnormalizedCoordinates
        A modified copy of the this object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object another)
        This instance is equal to all instances of VulkanSamplerCreateInfo that have equal attribute values.
        equals in class java.lang.Object
        true if this is equal to another instance
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Computes a hash code from attributes: flags, magFilter, minFilter, mipmapMode, addressModeU, addressModeV, addressModeW, mipLodBias, maxAnisotropy, compareOp, minLod, maxLod, borderColor, unnormalizedCoordinates.
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
        hashCode value
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Prints the immutable value VulkanSamplerCreateInfo with attribute values.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        A string representation of the value
      • of

        public static VulkanSamplerCreateInfo of​(java.util.Set<VulkanSamplerCreateFlag> flags,
                                                 VulkanFilter magFilter,
                                                 VulkanFilter minFilter,
                                                 VulkanSamplerMipmapMode mipmapMode,
                                                 VulkanSamplerAddressMode addressModeU,
                                                 VulkanSamplerAddressMode addressModeV,
                                                 VulkanSamplerAddressMode addressModeW,
                                                 float mipLodBias,
                                                 java.util.OptionalDouble maxAnisotropy,
                                                 java.util.Optional<VulkanCompareOp> compareOp,
                                                 float minLod,
                                                 float maxLod,
                                                 VulkanBorderColor borderColor,
                                                 boolean unnormalizedCoordinates)
        Construct a new immutable VulkanSamplerCreateInfo instance.
        flags - The value for the flags attribute
        magFilter - The value for the magFilter attribute
        minFilter - The value for the minFilter attribute
        mipmapMode - The value for the mipmapMode attribute
        addressModeU - The value for the addressModeU attribute
        addressModeV - The value for the addressModeV attribute
        addressModeW - The value for the addressModeW attribute
        mipLodBias - The value for the mipLodBias attribute
        maxAnisotropy - The value for the maxAnisotropy attribute
        compareOp - The value for the compareOp attribute
        minLod - The value for the minLod attribute
        maxLod - The value for the maxLod attribute
        borderColor - The value for the borderColor attribute
        unnormalizedCoordinates - The value for the unnormalizedCoordinates attribute
        An immutable VulkanSamplerCreateInfo instance
      • of

        public static VulkanSamplerCreateInfo of​(java.lang.Iterable<VulkanSamplerCreateFlag> flags,
                                                 VulkanFilter magFilter,
                                                 VulkanFilter minFilter,
                                                 VulkanSamplerMipmapMode mipmapMode,
                                                 VulkanSamplerAddressMode addressModeU,
                                                 VulkanSamplerAddressMode addressModeV,
                                                 VulkanSamplerAddressMode addressModeW,
                                                 float mipLodBias,
                                                 java.util.OptionalDouble maxAnisotropy,
                                                 java.util.Optional<? extends VulkanCompareOp> compareOp,
                                                 float minLod,
                                                 float maxLod,
                                                 VulkanBorderColor borderColor,
                                                 boolean unnormalizedCoordinates)
        Construct a new immutable VulkanSamplerCreateInfo instance.
        flags - The value for the flags attribute
        magFilter - The value for the magFilter attribute
        minFilter - The value for the minFilter attribute
        mipmapMode - The value for the mipmapMode attribute
        addressModeU - The value for the addressModeU attribute
        addressModeV - The value for the addressModeV attribute
        addressModeW - The value for the addressModeW attribute
        mipLodBias - The value for the mipLodBias attribute
        maxAnisotropy - The value for the maxAnisotropy attribute
        compareOp - The value for the compareOp attribute
        minLod - The value for the minLod attribute
        maxLod - The value for the maxLod attribute
        borderColor - The value for the borderColor attribute
        unnormalizedCoordinates - The value for the unnormalizedCoordinates attribute
        An immutable VulkanSamplerCreateInfo instance
      • copyOf

        public static VulkanSamplerCreateInfo copyOf​(VulkanSamplerCreateInfoType instance)
        Creates an immutable copy of a VulkanSamplerCreateInfoType value. Uses accessors to get values to initialize the new immutable instance. If an instance is already immutable, it is returned as is.
        instance - The instance to copy
        A copied immutable VulkanSamplerCreateInfo instance