Class VolumeXYZSplitBD<T extends VolumeBDType>

Type Parameters:
T - The precise type of volume
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class VolumeXYZSplitBD<T extends VolumeBDType> extends Object implements VolumeXYZSplitBDType<T>
A volume that has been split into octants via an X, Y, and Z axis.
  • Method Details

    • x0y0z0

      public T x0y0z0()
      Specified by:
      x0y0z0 in interface VolumeXYZSplitBDType<T extends VolumeBDType>
      The minimum X, minimum Y, minimum Z octant
    • x1y0z0

      public T x1y0z0()
      Specified by:
      x1y0z0 in interface VolumeXYZSplitBDType<T extends VolumeBDType>
      The maximum X, minimum Y, minimum Z octant
    • x0y1z0

      public T x0y1z0()
      Specified by:
      x0y1z0 in interface VolumeXYZSplitBDType<T extends VolumeBDType>
      The minimum X, maximum Y, minimum Z octant
    • x1y1z0

      public T x1y1z0()
      Specified by:
      x1y1z0 in interface VolumeXYZSplitBDType<T extends VolumeBDType>
      The maximum X, maximum Y, minimum Z octant
    • x0y0z1

      public T x0y0z1()
      Specified by:
      x0y0z1 in interface VolumeXYZSplitBDType<T extends VolumeBDType>
      The minimum X, minimum Y, maximum Z octant
    • x1y0z1

      public T x1y0z1()
      Specified by:
      x1y0z1 in interface VolumeXYZSplitBDType<T extends VolumeBDType>
      The maximum X, minimum Y, maximum Z octant
    • x0y1z1

      public T x0y1z1()
      Specified by:
      x0y1z1 in interface VolumeXYZSplitBDType<T extends VolumeBDType>
      The minimum X, maximum Y, maximum Z octant
    • x1y1z1

      public T x1y1z1()
      Specified by:
      x1y1z1 in interface VolumeXYZSplitBDType<T extends VolumeBDType>
      The maximum X, maximum Y, maximum Z octant
    • withX0y0z0

      public final VolumeXYZSplitBD<T> withX0y0z0(T value)
      Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the x0y0z0 attribute. A shallow reference equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
      value - A new value for x0y0z0
      A modified copy of the this object
    • withX1y0z0

      public final VolumeXYZSplitBD<T> withX1y0z0(T value)
      Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the x1y0z0 attribute. A shallow reference equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
      value - A new value for x1y0z0
      A modified copy of the this object
    • withX0y1z0

      public final VolumeXYZSplitBD<T> withX0y1z0(T value)
      Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the x0y1z0 attribute. A shallow reference equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
      value - A new value for x0y1z0
      A modified copy of the this object
    • withX1y1z0

      public final VolumeXYZSplitBD<T> withX1y1z0(T value)
      Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the x1y1z0 attribute. A shallow reference equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
      value - A new value for x1y1z0
      A modified copy of the this object
    • withX0y0z1

      public final VolumeXYZSplitBD<T> withX0y0z1(T value)
      Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the x0y0z1 attribute. A shallow reference equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
      value - A new value for x0y0z1
      A modified copy of the this object
    • withX1y0z1

      public final VolumeXYZSplitBD<T> withX1y0z1(T value)
      Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the x1y0z1 attribute. A shallow reference equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
      value - A new value for x1y0z1
      A modified copy of the this object
    • withX0y1z1

      public final VolumeXYZSplitBD<T> withX0y1z1(T value)
      Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the x0y1z1 attribute. A shallow reference equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
      value - A new value for x0y1z1
      A modified copy of the this object
    • withX1y1z1

      public final VolumeXYZSplitBD<T> withX1y1z1(T value)
      Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the x1y1z1 attribute. A shallow reference equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
      value - A new value for x1y1z1
      A modified copy of the this object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object another)
      This instance is equal to all instances of VolumeXYZSplitBD that have equal attribute values.
      equals in class Object
      true if this is equal to another instance
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Computes a hash code from attributes: x0y0z0, x1y0z0, x0y1z0, x1y1z0, x0y0z1, x1y0z1, x0y1z1, x1y1z1.
      hashCode in class Object
      hashCode value
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Prints the immutable value VolumeXYZSplitBD with attribute values.
      toString in class Object
      A string representation of the value
    • of

      public static <T extends VolumeBDType> VolumeXYZSplitBD<T> of(T x0y0z0, T x1y0z0, T x0y1z0, T x1y1z0, T x0y0z1, T x1y0z1, T x0y1z1, T x1y1z1)
      Construct a new immutable VolumeXYZSplitBD instance.
      Type Parameters:
      T - generic parameter T
      x0y0z0 - The value for the x0y0z0 attribute
      x1y0z0 - The value for the x1y0z0 attribute
      x0y1z0 - The value for the x0y1z0 attribute
      x1y1z0 - The value for the x1y1z0 attribute
      x0y0z1 - The value for the x0y0z1 attribute
      x1y0z1 - The value for the x1y0z1 attribute
      x0y1z1 - The value for the x0y1z1 attribute
      x1y1z1 - The value for the x1y1z1 attribute
      An immutable VolumeXYZSplitBD instance
    • copyOf

      public static <T extends VolumeBDType> VolumeXYZSplitBD<T> copyOf(VolumeXYZSplitBDType<T> instance)
      Creates an immutable copy of a VolumeXYZSplitBDType value. Uses accessors to get values to initialize the new immutable instance. If an instance is already immutable, it is returned as is.
      Type Parameters:
      T - generic parameter T
      instance - The instance to copy
      A copied immutable VolumeXYZSplitBD instance
    • builder

      public static <T extends VolumeBDType> VolumeXYZSplitBD.Builder<T> builder()
      Creates a builder for VolumeXYZSplitBD.
          .setX0y0z0(T) // required x0y0z0
          .setX1y0z0(T) // required x1y0z0
          .setX0y1z0(T) // required x0y1z0
          .setX1y1z0(T) // required x1y1z0
          .setX0y0z1(T) // required x0y0z1
          .setX1y0z1(T) // required x1y0z1
          .setX0y1z1(T) // required x0y1z1
          .setX1y1z1(T) // required x1y1z1
      Type Parameters:
      T - generic parameter T
      A new VolumeXYZSplitBD builder