Class SMFSchemaValidationError

    • Method Detail

      • withMessage

        public final SMFSchemaValidationError withMessage​(java.lang.String value)
        Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the message attribute. An equals check used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
        value - A new value for message
        A modified copy of the this object
      • withException

        public final SMFSchemaValidationError withException​(java.lang.Exception value)
        Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional exception attribute.
        value - The value for exception
        A modified copy of this object
      • withException

        public final SMFSchemaValidationError withException​(java.util.Optional<? extends java.lang.Exception> optional)
        Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the exception attribute. A shallow reference equality check is used on unboxed optional value to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
        optional - A value for exception
        A modified copy of this object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object another)
        This instance is equal to all instances of SMFSchemaValidationError that have equal attribute values.
        equals in class java.lang.Object
        true if this is equal to another instance
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Computes a hash code from attributes: message, exception.
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
        hashCode value
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Prints the immutable value SMFSchemaValidationError with attribute values.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        A string representation of the value
      • fullMessage

        public java.lang.String fullMessage()

        Returns a lazily initialized value of the fullMessage attribute. Initialized once and only once and stored for subsequent access with proper synchronization. In case of any exception or error thrown by the lazy value initializer, the result will not be memoised (i.e. remembered) and on next call computation will be attempted again.

        Specified by:
        fullMessage in interface SMFErrorType
        A lazily initialized value of the fullMessage attribute
      • of

        public static SMFSchemaValidationError of​(java.lang.String message,
                                                  java.util.Optional<? extends java.lang.Exception> exception)
        Construct a new immutable SMFSchemaValidationError instance.
        message - The value for the message attribute
        exception - The value for the exception attribute
        An immutable SMFSchemaValidationError instance
      • copyOf

        public static SMFSchemaValidationError copyOf​(SMFSchemaValidationErrorType instance)
        Creates an immutable copy of a SMFSchemaValidationErrorType value. Uses accessors to get values to initialize the new immutable instance. If an instance is already immutable, it is returned as is.
        instance - The instance to copy
        A copied immutable SMFSchemaValidationError instance